Environmental Policy Statement
We are committed to proactively managing our environmental impacts. We abide by all relevant legislation and codes of practice and are committed to pollution prevention and the continual improvement of our environmental performance.
Our key areas of improvement focus on energy & water efficiency, waste management, procurement and supply chain impacts. Specifically, we plan to:
Monitor & manage our utilities and water consumption, specifying energy efficient equipment, and high efficiency fixtures and fittings in our premises
Implement the waste hierarchy in all we do, segregating waste streams for recycling, and supporting our clients to do the same
Look for & actively pursue opportunities to implement renewable energy and collect, store and reuse rainwater
Ensure all employees and clients understand the importance of good environmental practice, and deliver regular training to support this
Look for opportunities to use low impact materials, goods & services throughout our business.
Wherever possible support local trades and suppliers, reducing mileage and increasing our contribution to the local economy
Employ locally and invest in our workforce
We will regularly review our progress and take remedial action in the event of us falling short of our aims & objectives.This document is a living policy, reviewed annually and communicated to all employees and stakeholders.We welcome the input and comments of customers, suppliers and employees.
Signed and approved:
Sara Atkins
Version 1. Next review date [November 2025]